
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 14 Factorization

NCERT solutions for class 8 maths chapter 14 factorization topic 14.2.1 method of common factor

Question:(i) Factorise:

12 x +36


We have
12x = 2 \times 2 \times 3 \times x
36 = 2 \times 2 \times 3 \times 3

So, we have 2 \times 2 \times 3 common in both

12x + 36 =2 \times 2 \times 3 (x + 3)

12x + 36 = 12(x + 3)

Question:(ii) Factorise : 22y-32z


We have,
22y=2 \times 11 \times y
33z =3 \times 11 \times z
So, we have 11 common in both

22y - 33z = 11(2y - 3z)

Question:(iii) Factorise :

( iii) \: \: 14 pq + 35 pqr


We have
14pq =2 \times 7 \times p \times q
35pqr =5 \times 7 \times p \times q \times r
So, we have

7 \times p \times q common in both

14pq + 35pqr =7pq (2 + 5r)

NCERT solutions for class 8 maths chapter 14 factorization-Exercise: 14.1

Question:1(i) Find the common factors of the given terms.

(i) 12 x , 36


We have
12x ={\color{Red} 2 \times 2 \times 3}\times x
36 = {\color{Red} 2 \times 2 \times 3}\times 3
So, the common factors between the two are


Question:1(ii) Find the common factors of the given terms

(ii) 2y , 22xy


We have,
2y = {\color{Red} 2 \times y}
22xy = {\color{Red} 2} \times 11 \times x {\color{Red} \times y}
Therefore, the common factor between these two is 2y

Question:1(iii) Find the common factors of the given terms

(iii) 14 pq, 28 p^2 q^2


We have,
14pq = {\color{Red} 2 \times 7 \times p \times q}
28p^2q^2 = 2 \times {\color{Red} 2 \times 7 \times p} \times p{\color{Red} \times q} \times q
Therefore, the common factor is

2\times7\times p\times q=14pq

Question:1(iv) Find the common factors of the given terms.

(iv) 2x , 3x ^2 , 4


We have,
2x = 2 \times x
3x^2 = 3 \times x \times x
4 = 2 \times 2
Therefore, the common factor between these three is 1

Question:1(v) Find the common factors of the given terms

( v ) 6 abc , 24 ab^2 , 12 a^2 b


We have,
6abc ={\color{Red} 2 \times 3 \times a \times b }\times c
24ab^2 = 2 \times 2\times {\color{Red} 2\times 3 \times a \times b} \times b
12a^2b = 2 \times {\color{Red} 2\times 3 \times a} \times a{\color{Red} \times b}
Therefore, the common factors is

2 \times 3 \times a \times b = 6ab

Question:1(vi) Find the common factors of the given terms

(vi)16 x ^ 3 , -4 x ^ 2 , 32 x


We have,
16x^3 = 2 \times 2 \times {\color{Red} 2 \times 2 \times x} \times x \times x
4x^2 = {\color{Red} 2 \times 2 \times x} \times x
32x = 2 \times 2 \times 2 \times{\color{Red} 2 \times 2 \times x}
Therefore, the common factors is

2 \times 2 \times x = 4x

Question:1(vii) Find the common factors of the given terms

(vii) 10 pq , 20 qr , 30 rp


We have,
10pq ={\color{DarkRed} 2 \times 5} \times p \times q
<img alt="20qr = 2\times{\color{DarkRed} 2 \times 5 }\times q \times r" height="17"

src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/Ss8ADbZ4hBQ70-uoJgKlTa_FN-nCGSJnPuZy52TF0xY9yYMom99vCtS000Dk52edALKSK5d1g7Ii9OBkAvP679IyFyXIecTCxYAJWA2UjOgjt5Ft30fG5FiUH-dM0vZZS7UeSGQ" style="margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px;" width="192" />
30rp ={\color{DarkRed} 2}\times 3{\color{DarkRed} \times 5} \times r \times p
Therefore, the common factors between these three is

2 \times 5 =10

Question:1(viii) Find the common factors of the given terms

(viii)3 x ^2 y^3 , 10 x ^3 y ^ 2 , 6 x^ 2 y^2 z


We have,
3x^{2}y^{2}= 3 \times {\color{Red} x \times x \times y \times y}
10x^{3}y^{2}=2 \times 5 \times x \times {\color{Red} x\times x \times y \times y}
6x^{2}y^{2}z=2 \times 3 \times{\color{Red} x \times x \times y \times y} \times z
Therefore, the common factors between these three are x\times x\times y \times y =x^{2}y^{2}

Question:2(i) Factorise the following expressions

(i)7x -42


We have,
7x = 7 \times x \\ 42=7\times 2 \times 3=7\times 6\\ 7x-42=7x-7\times 6=7(x-6)

Therefore, 7 is a common factor

Question:2(ii) Factorise the following expressions

(ii)6 p - 12 q


We have,
6p = 2 \times 3 \times p
12q = 2 \times 2 \times 3 \times q
\therefore on factorization

6p -12q = (2\times 3 \times p) - (2\times 2 \times 3 \times q) = (2\times 3)(p-2q) = 6(p-2q)

Question:2(iii) Factorise the following expressions

(iii)7 a ^2 + 14 a


We have,
7a^2 = 7 \times a \times a
14a = 2 \times 7 \times a
\therefore7a^2+14a = (7\times a \times a)+(2 \times 7 \times a) = (7 \times a)(a+2)
= 7a(a+2)

Question:2(iv) Factorise the following expressions

(iv)-16 z + 20 z^3


We have,
-16z = -1 \times 2 \times 2 \times 2 \times 2 \times z
20z^3 = 2 \times 2 \times 5 \times z \times z \times z
\therefore on factorization we get,
-16z+20z^3 = (-1 \times 2 \times 2 \times 2 \times 2 \times z)+(2 \times 2 \times 5 \times z \times z \times z )
= (2\times 2 \times z)(-1 \times 2 \times 2+ 5 \times z \times z )
= 4z(-4+5z^2 )

Question:2(v) Factorise the following expressions

20 l^2 m + 30 alm


We have,
20l^2m = 2 \times 2 \times 5 \times l \times l \times m
30alm = 2 \times 3 \times 5 \times a \times l \times m
\therefore on factorization we get,
20l^2m+30alm =(2\times 2 \times 5 \times l \times l \times m) + (2 \times 3 \times 5 \times a \times l \times m)
=(2\times 5 \times l \times m)(2\times l + 3 \times a )

Question:2(vi) Factorise the following expressions

5 x^2 y - 15 xy^2


We have,
5x^2y = 5 \times x\times x \times y
15xy^2 =3\times 5 \times x\times y \times y
\therefore on factorization we get,
5x^2y - 15xy^2 = (5 \times x \times x \times y ) - (3\times 5 \times x \times y \times y )
=(5\times x \times y) ( x - 3\times y )
=5xy (x-3y)

Question:2(vii) Factorise the following expressions

10 a ^2 - 15 b^2 +20 c^2


We have,
10a^2 = 2 \times 5 \times a \times a
15b^2 = 3 \times 5 \times b \times b
20c^2 = 2\times 2 \times 5 \times c \times c
\therefore on factorization we get,
10a^2-15b^2+20c^2 = (2\times 5 \times a \times a)-(3\times 5 \times b \times b)+(2\times 2 \times 5 \times c \times c)=5 (2 \times a \times a-3 \times b \times b+2\times 2 \times c \times c)

Question:2(viii) Factorise the following expressions

- 4 a ^2 + 4 ab - 4ca


We have,
-4a^2 = -1\times 2 \times 2 \times a\times a
4ab = 2 \times 2 \times a\times b
4ca = 2 \times 2 \times c\times a
\therefore on factorization we get,
-4a^2+4ab-4ca = (-1 \times 2 \times 2 \times a\times a )+( 2 \times 2 \times a\times b )- (2 \times 2 \times c\times a)

src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/DjxprQzpQEmOgRkrVWxMQkssFhWtJsvauh543sKzwcsl2dJ_DFmaqC77QGOLprtXa_fcPnz8i_T5CobT71IXB0c4mSkSLAKJtD02fc5GcsDjBj9cLwGyw_ky-W3IEb-yUFnDqrI" style="margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px;" width="565" />

=(2 \times 2 \times a) (-1 \times a + b - c)
= 4a(-a+b-c)

Question:2(ix) Factorise the following expressions

x^2 yz + xy^2 z + xyz^2


We have,
x^2yz =x \times x \times y \times z
xy^2z =x \times y \times y \times z
xyz^2 =x \times y \times z \times z
Therefore, on factorization we get,
x^2yz+xy^2z+xyz^2 =(x \times x \times y \times z)+(x \times y \times y \times z)+(x \times y \times z \times z)

=( x \times y \times z)(x + y + z)

Question:2(x) Factorise the following expressions

a x^2 y + bxy^2 + cxyz


We have,
ax^2y = a \times x \times x \times y
bxy^2 = b \times x \times y \times y
cxyz = c \times x \times y \times z
Therefore, on factorization we get,
ax^2y+bxy^2+cxyz = ( a \times x \times x \times y)+( b \times x \times y \times y)+(c \times x \times y \times z)= (x\times y)( a \times x+ b \times y+c \times z)

= xy(ax+by+cz)

Question:3(i) Factorise x ^ 2 + xy + 8 x + 8y


We have,
x^2 = x \times x
xy = x \times y
8x = 8 \times x
8y = 8 \times y
Therefore, on factorization we get,
x^2+xy+8x+8y = (x \times x)+(x\times y )+(8 \times x)+(8 \times y)
= x(x +y )+8(x+ y)
= (x+8)(x+y)

Question:3(ii) Factorise

15 xy -6 x +5 y -2


We have,
15xy = 3 \times 5 \times x \times y
6x = 2 \times 3 \times x
5y = 5 \times y
2 = 2
Therefore, on factorization we get,
15xy - 6x +5y-2 = (3\times 5 \times x \times y)-(2 \times 3 \times x)+(5\times y)-2
=(5 \times y)(3\times x + 1)-2(3\times x + 1)

Question:3(iii) Factorise

ax + bx - ay - by


We have,
ax+bx-ay-by = a(x-y)-b(x-y)
Therefore, on factorization we get,

Question:3(iv) Factorise

15 pq + 15 + 9q + 25p


We have,
15pq + 15 + 9q + 25p = 5 p(3q + 5) + 3 (3q + 5)
= (3q + 5)(5p + 3)
Therefore, on factorization we get,
(3q + 5)(5p + 3)

Question:3(v) Factorise

z-7 + 7 xy - xyz


We have,
z - 7 + 7xy - xyz = z(1 - xy) -7(1 - xy)
= (1 - xy)(z - 7)
Therefore, on factorization we get,
(1 - xy)(z - 7)

NCERT solutions for class 8 maths chapter 14 factorization-Exercise: 14.2

Question:1(i) Factorise the following expressions

a ^ 2 + 8a + 16


We have,
a^2 + 8a + 16 = a^2+ 4a + 4a + 16
= a(a + 4) + 4 (a+4)
= (a+4)(a+4) =(a+4)^{2}
a^2+8a+16 = (a+4)^2

Question:1(ii) Factorise the following expressions

p^2 -10 p + 25


We have,
p^2 - 10p + 25 = p^2 - 5p - 5p + 25
= p(p - 5) -5 (p -5)
= (p - 5)(p - 5) =(p-5)^{2}
p^2-10p+25 =(p-5)^2

Question:1(iii) Factorise the following expressions

25 m ^2 + 30 m + 9


We have,
25m^2 + 30m + 9 = 25m^2 + 15m + 15m + 9
= 5m (5m + 3) +3(5m + 3)
= (5m + 3) (5m + 3) =(5m+3)^{2}
25m^2+30m+9 = (5m+3)^2

Question:1(iv) Factorise the following expressions

49 y^2 + 84 yz + 36 z^2


We have,
49 y^2 + 84 yz + 36 z^2= 49y^2 + 42yz + 42yz + 36z^2
= 7y(7y + 6z) + 6z(7y + 6z)
= (7y + 6z)(7y + 6z) =(7y+ 6z)^{2}

Question:1(v) Factorise the following expressions

4 x^2 - 8x + 4


We have,
4 x^2 - 8x + 4= 4x^2 - 4x - 4x + 4
= 4x(x - 1) -4(x - 1)
= 4(x-1)(x-1) \\\ \ \ = 4(x-1)^{2}

Question:1(vi) Factorise the following expressions

121 b^2 - 88 bc + 16 c^2


We have,
121 b^2 - 88 bc + 16 c^2= 121b^2 - 44bc - 44bc + 16c^2
= 11b(11b - 4c) - 4c(11b - 4c)
= (11b-4c)(11b-4c) =(11b -4c)^{2}
121 b^2 - 88 bc + 16 c^2=(11b -4c)^{2}

Question:1(vii) Factorise the following expressions

( l+m ) ^2 - 4lm


We have,
( l+m ) ^2 - 4lm = l^{2} + 2ml + m^{2} - 4lm(using \ (a+b)^{2} = a^{2} + 2ab + b^{2})
l^{2} - 2lm + m^{2}
(l-m)^{2}(using \ (a-b)^{2} = a^{_2} -2ab + b^{2})

Question:1(viii) Factorise the following expressions

a ^4 +2 a ^2 b ^ 2 + b ^ 4


We have,
a ^4 +2 a ^2 b ^ 2 + b ^ 4 = a^{4} + a^{2}b^{2} + a^{2}b^{2} + b^{4}
a^{2}(a^{2 }+ b^{2}) + b^{2}(a^{2}+b^{2}) = (a^{2}+b^{2})(a^{2}+b^{2}) = (a^{2}+b^{2})^{2}

Question:2(i) Factorise :

4 p^2 - 9 q ^2


This can be factorized as follows
4 p^2 - 9 q ^2 = (2p)^{2} - (3q)^{2}= (2p - 3q)(2p + 3q)(using \ (a)^{2} - (b)^{2} = (a-b)(a+b))

Question:2(ii) Factorise the following expressions

63 a ^2 - 112 b ^ 2


We have,
63 a ^2 - 112 b ^ 2= 7(9a^{2} - 16b^{2})= 7((3a)^{2} - (4b)^{2})=7 (3a - 4b)(3a + 4b)
(using \ (a)^{2} - (b)^{2} = (a-b)(a+b))

Question:2(iii) Factorise

49 x^2 - 36


This can be factorised as follows
49 x^2 - 36 = (7x)^{2} - (6)^{2}= (7x - 6)(7x + 6)(using \ (a)^{2} - (b)^{2} = (a-b)(a+b) )

Question:2(iv) Factorise

16 x^5 - 144 x ^ 3


The given question can be factorised as follows
16 x^5 - 144 x ^ 3= 16x^3(x^{2}- 9)
= 16x^3((x)^{2}- (3)^{2})= 16x^3(x-3)(x+3)(using \ (a)^{2}- (b)^{2} = (a-b)(a+b))

Question:2(v) Factorise

(l+m) ^ 2 - ( l- m ) ^2


We have,
(l+m) ^ 2 - ( l- m ) ^2= [(l + m) - (l - m)][(l + m) + (l - m)] (using a^{2} - b^{2} = (a-b)(a+b) )
<img alt="= (l + m - l + m)(l + m + l - m)" height="18"

src="https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/7n9Osk0x9mzggIf5EhzuRIVjoamvGsAg7oAvqBzW_vEutnQcNMHfAdWJIIohDCWF9uxPvzMQlxC0urWVe6ZCEt6T7FrQicXsyfSsz1T8fGexhBVmKHM83VtwCm-b78X5ttNx7CE" style="margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px;" width="265" />
= (2m)(2l) = 4ml

Question:2(vi) Factorise

9 x ^2 y^2 - 16


We have,
9 x ^2 y^2 - 16 = (3xy)^{2} -(4)^{2} (using (a)^{2} -(b)^{2} = (a-b) (a+b) )
= (3xy - 4 )(3xy + 4)

Question:2(vii) Factorise

( x ^2 -2xy + y^2 ) - z ^2


We have,
( x ^2 -2xy + y^2 ) - z ^2 = (x-y)^{2} - z^{2}(using \ (a-b)^{2} = a^{2} -2ab + b^{2})
= (x - y - z)(x - y + z)(using \ (a)^{2} - (b)^{2} = (a -b ) (a+b))

Question:2(viii) Factorise

25 a ^2 -4 b ^2 + 28 bc - 49 c ^2


We have,
25 a ^2 -4 b ^2 + 28 bc - 49 c ^2 = 25a^{2} - (2b-7c)^{2}(using \ (a-b)^{2} = a^{2} -2ab + b^{2})
(5a)^{2} - (2b-7c)^{2}(using \ (a)^{2} - (b)^{2} = (a -b ) (a+b))
=(5a - (2b - 7c))(5a + (2b - 7c) )
= (5a - 2b + 7c)(5a + 2b - 7c )

Question:3(i) Factorise the following expressions

ax ^2 + bx


We have,
ax^2 = a \times x \times x
bx = b \times x
ax ^2 + bx= (a \times x \times x) + (b \times x)
= x(a \times x + b)
= x(ax + b)

Question:3(ii) Factorise the following expressions

7p^2 + 21 q ^2


We have,
7p^2 = 7 \times p \times p
21q^3 = 3 \times 7 \times q \times q
7p^2 + 21 q ^2= (7 \times p \times p) + (3 \times 7 \times q \times q)
=7(p^{2}+ 3q^{2})

Question:3(iii) Factorise the following expressions

2 x^3 + 2xy^2 + 2 xz ^2


We have,
2x^3 = 2 \times x \times x \times x
2xy^2 = 2 \times x \times y \times y
2xz^2 = 2 \times x \times z \times z
2 x^3 + 2xy^2 + 2 xz ^2= (2 \times x \times x \times x) + ( 2 \times x \times y \times y) + ( 2 \times x \times z \times z)
= (2 \times x) [(x \times x) + (y \times y ) + (z \times z)]
= 2x(x^2+y^2+z^2)

Question:3(iv) Factorise the following expressions

am^2 + bm ^2 + bn ^2 + an^2


We have,
am^2 + bm ^2 + bn ^2 + an^2= m^2(a + b) + n^2(a + b)
= (a + b)(m^{2 }+n^{2})

Question:3(v) Factorise the following expressions

( lm + l ) + m + 1


We have,
( lm + l ) + m + 1= lm + l + m + 1
= l(m + 1) +1(m + 1)
= (m + 1)(l + 1)

Question:3(vi) Factorise the following expressions

y ( y + z ) + 9 ( y + z )


We have,
y ( y + z ) + 9 ( y + z )
Take ( y+z) common from this
y ( y + z ) + 9 ( y + z )= (y + z)(y + 9)

Question:3(vii) Factorise the following expressions

5 y ^ 2 - 20 y - 8z + 2yz


We have,
5 y ^ 2 - 20 y - 8z + 2yz= 5y(y - 4) + 2z(y - 4)
= (y - 4)(5y + 2z)
5 y ^ 2 - 20 y - 8z + 2yz= (y - 4)(5y + 2z)

Question:3(viii) Factorise

10 ab + 4a + 5b + 2


We have,
10 ab + 4a + 5b + 2= 2a(5b + 2) + 1(5b + 2)
= (5b + 2)(2a + 1)
10 ab + 4a + 5b + 2= (5b + 2)(2a + 1)

Question:3(ix) Factorise the following expressions

6 xy - 4 y + 6 - 9 x


We have,
6 xy - 4 y + 6 - 9 x= 2y(3x - 2) - 3 (3x - 2)
= (3x - 2)(2y - 3)
6 xy - 4 y + 6 - 9 x= (3x - 2)(2y - 3)

Question:4(i) Factorise a ^ 4 - b ^ 4


We have,
a ^ 4 - b ^ 4 = (a^{2})^{2} - (b^{2})^{2} = (a^{2} - b^{2})(a^{2} + b^{2}) = (a-b)(a+b)(a^{2} + b^{2})
using \ (x^{2} - y^{2}) = (x-y)(x+y)

Question:4(ii) Factorise p ^ 4 - 81


We have,
p ^ 4 - 81 =
using \ a^{2} - b^{2} = (a-b)(a+b)

Question:4(iii) Factorise x ^4 - ( y + z )^4


We have,
x ^4 - ( y + z )^4 =

(using \ a^{2} -b^{2} = (a-b)(a+b))

Question:4(iv) Factorise x ^ 4 - ( x-z ) ^ 4


We have,
x ^ 4 - ( x-z ) ^ 4 = (x^{2})^{2} - ((x-z)^{2})^{2}using \ a^{2}-b^{2} = (a-b)(a+b)
(x^{2} - (x-z)^{2})(x^{2}+(x-z)^{2})
(x+(x-z))(x - (x-z))(x^{2}+(x-z)^{2})
(2x - z)(z)(x^{2}+(x-z)^{2})

Question:4(v) Factorise a ^ 4 - 2 a^2 b^2 + b ^ 4


We have,
a ^ 4 - 2 a^2 b^2 + b ^ 4 = a^{4} - a^{2}b^{2} - a^{2}b^{2} + b^{4}
a^{2}(a^{2} - b^{2}) - b^{2}(a^{2} - b^{2})
(a^{2} - b^{2}) (a^{2}-b^{2})using \ a^{2}-b^{2} = (a-b)(a+b)
(a^{2} - b^{2})^{2}
((a - b)(a+b))^{2}
(a - b)^{2}(a+b)^{2}

Question:5(i) Factorise the following expression

p^ 2 + 6 p + 8


We have,
p^ 2 + 6 p + 8 = p^{2} + 2p + 4p + 8
= p(p + 2) + 4(p + 2)
=(p + 2)(p + 4)
p^ 2 + 6 p + 8=(p + 2)(p + 4)

Question:5(ii) Factorise the following expression

q ^ 2 - 10 q + 21


We have,
q ^ 2 - 10 q + 21 = q^{2} - 7q -3q + 21
= q(q - 7) -3(q - 7)
=(q - 7)(q - 3)
q ^ 2 - 10 q + 21=(q - 7)(q - 3)

Question:5(iii) Factorise the following expression

p^2 + 6 p - 16


We have,
p^2 + 6 p - 16 = p^{2} + 8p - 2p - 16
= p(p + 8) -2(p + 8)
=(p - 2)(p + 8)
p^2 + 6 p - 16=(p - 2)(p + 8)

NCERT solutions for class 8 maths chapter 14 factorization topic 14.3.1 division of a monomial by another monomial

Question:(i) Divide 24 xy^2 z^3 \: \: by \: \: 6 yz^2


We have,

Question:(ii) Divide 63 a ^ 2 b^ 4 c ^6 \: \: by \: \: 7 a ^2 b^ 2 c ^3


We have,

NCERT solutions for class 8 maths chapter 14 factorization-Exercise: 14.3

Question:1(i) Carry out the following divisions

28 x ^ 4 \div 56 x


This is done using factorization.

Question:1(ii) Carry out the following divisions

-36 y^3 \div 9 y^2


We have,
-36y^{3}= -1 \times 2 \times 2 \times 3 \times 3 \times y \times y \times y
9y^{2 }= 3 \times 3 \times y \times y

Question:1(iii) Carry out the following divisions

66 pq^2 r ^ 3 \div 11 q r ^2


We have,
66pq^2r^3 = 2 \times 3 \times 11 \times p \times q \times q \times r \times r \times r
11qr^2 = 11 \times q \times r \times r

Question:1(iv) Carry out the following divisions

34 x^ 3 y^3 z ^ 3 \div 51 x y^2 z ^ 3


We have,

Question:1(v) Carry out the following divisions

12 a ^ 8 b^ 8 \div ( -6 a ^ 6 b ^ 4 )


We have,

Question:2(i) Divide the given polynomial by the given monomial

( 5x ^2 -6x ) \div 3x


We have,
5x^2 - 6x = x(5x - 6)

\therefore \frac{5x^{2}-6}{3x} = \frac{x(5x-6)}{3x} = \frac{5x-6}{3}

Question:2(ii) Divide the given polynomial by the given monomial

( 3 y ^8 - 4 y^6 + 5 y ^4 )\div y ^ 4


We have,
3y^{8} - 4y^{6} + 5y^{4} = y^{4}(3y^{4}-4y^{2} + 5)
\therefore \frac{y^{4}(3y^{4}-4y^{2}+5)}{y^{4}} = (3y^{4}-4y^{2}+5)

Question:2(iii) Divide the given polynomial by the given monomial

8 ( x ^3 y^2 z ^2 + x^2 y^3 z^2 + x ^2 y^2 z^3 ) \div 4 x ^2 y ^2 z ^2


We have,
8(x^{3}y^{2}z^{2} + x^{2}y^{3}z^{2} + x^{2} y^{2}z^{3}) = 8x^{2}y^{2}z^{2}(x+y+z)

Question:2(iv) Divide the given polynomial by the given monomial

( x^3 +2 x ^2 + 3 x ) \div 2x


We have,
x^{3} + 2x^{2} + 3x = x(x^{2} + 2x + 3)

\therefore \frac{x^{3} + 2x^{2} + 3x}{2x} = \frac{x(x^{2} + 2x + 3)}{2x} = \frac{x^{2} + 2x + 3}{2}

Question:2(v) Divide the given polynomial by the given monomial

( p ^ 3 q ^6 - p ^ 6 q ^ 3 ) \div p ^3 q ^3


We have,
(p^{3}q^{6} - p^{6}q^{3}) = p^{3}q^{3}(q^{3} - p^{3})

Question:3(i) workout the following divisions

( 10 x - 25) \div 5


We have,
10x -25 = 5(2x - 5)
\frac{10x-25}{5}= \frac{5(2x-5)}{5} = 2x - 5

Question:3(ii) workout the following divisions

( 10 x -25 ) \div ( 2x -5 )


We have,
10x-25 = 5(2x - 5 )
\frac{10x-25}{2x-5} = \frac{5(2x-5)}{2x-5} = 5

Question:3(iii) workout the following divisions

10 y ( 6y +21 ) \div 5 ( 2y + 7 )


We have,
10y(6y + 21) = 2 \times y \times 5 \times 3(2y + 7)
\frac{10y(6y+21)}{5(2y+7)} = \frac{2 \times 5 \times y \times 3(2y+7)}{5(2y+7)} = 6y

Question:3(iv) workout the following divisions

9 x ^2 y^2 ( 3z -24 ) \div 27 xy ( z-8 )


We have,
9x^{2}y^{2}(3z-24) = 9x^{2}y^{2} \times 3(z-8) = 27x^{2}y^{2}(z-8)

\therefore \frac{9x^{2}y^{2}(3z-24)}{27xy(z-8)} = \frac{27x^{2}y^{2}(z-8)}{27xy(z-8)} = xy

Question:3(v) workout the following divisions

96 abc ( 3a -12 ) ( 5 b -30 ) \div 144 (a-4 ) ( b- 6 )


We have,
96abc(3a - 12)(5b - 30) = 2 \times 48abc \times 3(a - 4) \times 5(b - 6)
= 2 \times144abc (a - 4) \times 5(b - 6)
\frac{96abc(3a-12)(5b-30)}{144(a-4)(b-6)} = \frac{2 \times 144abc (a-4) \times 5 (b - 6)}{144(a-4)(b-6)} = 10abc

Question:4(i) Divide as directed

5 ( 2x +1 ) ( 3x +5 ) \div ( 2x +1)


We have,
\frac{5(2x+1)(3x+5)}{2x+1} = 5(3x+5)

Question:4(ii) Divide as directed

26 xy ( x+5 ) ( y-4) \div 13 x ( y-4 )


We have,
\frac{26xy(x+5)(y-4)}{13x(y-4)} = \frac{2 \times 13xy(x+5)(y-4)}{13x(y-4)} =2y(x+5)

Question:4(iii) Divide as directed

52 pqr ( p+ q ) ( q+ r ) ( r +p)\div 104 pq ( q+r ) ( r + p )


We have,
\frac{52pqr(p+q)(q+r)(r+p)}{104pq(q+r)(r+p)} = \frac{r(p+q)}{2}

Question:4(iv) Divide as directed

20 ( y+4 ) ( y^2 + 5 y + 3 ) \div 5 (y +4 )


We have,
<img alt="\frac{20(y+4)(y^{2}+5y+3)}{5(y+4)} =\frac{4 \times 5(y+4)(y^{2}+5y+3)}{5(y+4)} = 4(y^{2}+5y+3)" height="45"

src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/6jW1aaLNwyoTuh1901YS6K6Hv_aPJu4YZ2snlO0SrUve-9wb0rxwp17UX5azraQ4pJ_bhX88fLW92gEqVJ4WGKjWBHgiNUceKd2V9UICUxQxG51ULfWUTCbMe-db0W86iZHRwtI" style="margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px;" width="534" />

Question:4(v) Divide as directed

x ( x+1 ) ( x+2 ) ( x+3 ) \div x ( x+1 )


We have,
\frac{x(x+1)(x+2)(x+3)}{x(x+1)} = (x+2)(x+3)

Question:5(i) Factorise the expression and divide then as directed

( y ^ 2 + 7 y + 1 0 ) \div ( y + 5 )


We have,

Question:5(ii) Factorise the expression and divide then as directed

( m^2 - 14 m -32 ) \div ( m +2 )


We have,

Question:5(iii) Factorise the expression and divide then as directed

( 5 p^2 -25p + 20 ) \div ( p-1 )


We have,

Question:5(iv) Factorise the expression and divide then as directed

4 yz ( z^2 + 6z -16 ) \div 2y ( z+8 )


We first simplify our numerator
4yz( z^2+ 6z - 16)
Add and subtract 64 \Rightarrow4yz( z^2- 64 + 6z - 16 + 64)
= 4yz(z^2-8^2 + 6z + 48)
= 4yz((z + 8)(z - 8) + 6(z + 8))using \ a^{2} -b^{2} = (a - b)(a + b)
= 4yz (z + 8)(z - 8 + 6)
= 4yz(z + 8)(z - 2)
\frac{4yz(z^{2}+6z-16)}{2y(z+8)} = \frac{4yz(z+8)(z-2)}{2y(z+8)}= 2z(z-2)

Question:5(v) Factorise the expression and divide then as directed

5 pq ( p^2 - q ^ 2 ) \div 2 p ( p + q )


We have,

Question:5(vi) Factorise the expression and divide then as directed

12 xy ( 9 x^2 - 16 y^2 ) \div 4 xy ( 3 x + 4 y )


We first simplify our numerator,
12xy ( 9x^{2} -16y^{2} ) = 12xy(3x)^{2} -(4y)^{2}

using (a)^{2} -(b)^{2} = (a-b)(a+b)
= 12xy((3x - 4y)(3x + 4y))
\frac{12xy(9x^{2} - 16y^{2})}{4xy(3x + 4y)} = \frac{12xy(3x+4y)(3x-4y)}{4xy(3x+4y)} = 3(3x-4y)

Question:5(vii) Factorise the expression and divide then as directed

39 y^2 ( 50 y^2 - 98 ) \div 26 y^2 ( 5y +7 )


We first simplify our numerator,
39y^{2}(50y^{2} -98) = 39y^{2} \times 2(25y^{2} - 49) using (a)^{2} -(b)^{2} = (a-b)(a+b)
78y^{2} ((5y)^{2} - (7)^{2})
78y^{2} (5y - 7)(5y+7)
\frac{39y^{2}(50y^{2}-98)}{26y^{2}(5y +7)} = \frac{78y^{2}(5y-7)(5y+7)}{26y^{2}(5y+7)} = 3(5y-7)

NCERT solutions for class 8 maths chapter 14 factorization-Exercise: 14.4

Question:1 Find and correct the errors in the following mathematical statements

4 ( x-5 ) = 4 x - 5


Our L.H.S.
= 4(x - 5) = 4x - 20
R.H.S. = 4x -5
It is clear from the above that L.H.S. is not equal to R.H.S.
So, correct statement is
4(x - 5) = 4x - 20

Question:2 Find and correct the errors in the following mathematical statements

x ( 3 x + 2 ) = 3 x^2 +2


Our L.H.S.
= x(3x + 2) = 3x^2 + 2x
R.H.S.= 3x^2 + 2
It is clear from the above that L.H.S. is not equal to R.H.S.
So, correct statement is
= x(3x + 2) = 3x^2 + 2x

Question:3 Find and correct the errors in the following mathematical statements

2 x + 3y = 5 xy


Our L.H.S. = 2x + 3y
R.H.S. = 5xy
It is clear from the above that L.H.S. is not equal to R.H.S.
SO, correct statement is
2x + 3y = 2x + 3y

Question:4 Find and correct the errors in the following mathematical statements

x + 2x + 3x = 5x


Our L.H.S. = x + 2x + 3x = 6x
R.H.S. = 5x
It is clear from the above that L.H.S. is not equal to R.H.S.
So, correct statement is
x + 2x + 3x = 6x

Question:5 Find and correct the errors in the following mathematical statements

(Q5)\ 5 y + 2y + y - 7y = 0


Our L.H.S. is
5y + 2y + y - 7y = y
R.H.S. = 0
IT is clear from the above that L.H.S. is not equal to R.H.S.
So, Correct statement is
5y + 2y + y - 7y = y

Question:6 Find and correct the errors in the following mathematical statements

3 x +2 x = 5 x ^2


Our L.H.S. is
3x + 2x = 5x
R.H.S. = 5x^2
It is clear from the above that L.H.S. is not equal to R.H.S.
So, correct statement is
3x + 2x = 5x

Question:7 Find and correct the errors in the following mathematical statements

( 2x )^2 + 4 ( 2x ) + 7 = 2 x^2 + 8 x +7


Our L.H.S. is
(2x)^2 + 4(2x) + 7 = 4x^2 + 8x + 7
R.H.S. = 2x^2+8x+7
It is clear from the above that L.H.S. is not equal to R.H.S.
So, correct statement is
(2x)^2 + 4(2x) + 7 = 4x^2 + 8x + 7

Question:8 Find and correct the errors in the following mathematical statements

( 2 x)^2 + 5 x = 4 x +5x = 9 x


Our L.H.S. is
\Rightarrow (2x)^{2}+5x = 4x^2+5x
R.H.S. = 9x
It is clear from the above that L.H.S. is not equal to R.H.S.
So, the correct statement is
(2x)^{2}+5x = 4x^2+5x

Question:9 Find and correct the errors in the following mathematical statements

( 3x +2 )^2 = 3 x ^2 + 6x + 4



(3x + 2)^{2 } = (3x)^{2} + 2(3x)(2) +(2)^{2} using (a + b)^{2 } = (a)^{2} + 2(a)(b) +(b)^{2}
= 9x^2 + 12x + 4


3 x ^2 + 6x + 4

\boldsymbol{LHS} \neq \boldsymbol{RHS}

Correct statement is

(3x + 2)^{2 } = (3x)^{2} + 2(3x)(2) +(2)^{2}= 9x^2 + 12x + 4

Question:10(a) Find and correct the errors in the following mathematical statements

Substituting x = -3 in x ^ 2 + 5 x + 4 \: \: gives \: \: ( -3 ) ^ 2 + 5 ( -3 ) + 4 = 9 + 2 + 4 = 15


We need to substitute x = -3 in

= 9 - 15 + 4
= -2 \neq 15

so the given statement is wrong
Correct statement is (-3)^{2}+5(-3)+4= -2

Question:10(b) find and correct the errors in the following mathematical statements

Substituiting x = -3 in x ^2 -5 x + 4 \: \: gives \: \: ( -3)^2 - 5 ( -3 ) + 4 = 9 - 15 + 4 = -2


We need to substitute x = -3 in x^2 - 5x + 4
= (-3)^2-5(-3) + 4
= 9 + 15 + 4=28
so the given statement is wrong
Correct statement is

x^2 - 5x + 4=28

Question:10(c) find and correct the errors in the following mathematical statements

Substituting x = - 3 in x ^2 + 5 x \: \: gives \: \: ( -3 ) ^ 2 + 5 ( -3 ) = -9-15 = -24


We need to Substitute x = - 3 in x^{2} + 5x
(-3)^{2} + 5(-3)
= 9 - 15
= - 6 \neq R.H.S
Correct statement is Substitute x = - 3 in x^{2} + 5x gives -6

Question:11 Find and correct the errors in the following mathematical statements

( y - 3 ) ^ 2 = y ^ 2 -9


Our L.H.S. is (y - 3 )^{2}
(y )^{2} + 2(y)(-3) + (-3)^{2} using (a-b)^{2} = (a )^{2} + 2(a)(-b) + (-b)^{2}
y^{2}- 6x + 9\neq R.H.S.

Correct statement is

(y - 3 )^{2} = y^{2}- 6x + 9

Question:12 Find and correct the errors in the following mathematical statements

( z+5 ) ^2 = z^2 + 25


Our L.H.S. is (z+5)^{2}
(z)^{2} + 2(z)(5) + (5)^{2} using (a+b)^{2} = (a)^{2} + 2(a)(b) + (b)^{2}
(z)^{2}+ 10z + 25\neq R.H.S.
Correct statement is

(z+5)^{2} = (z)^{2}+ 10z + 25

Question:13 Find and correct the errors in the following mathematical statements.

( 2a +3b ) ( a-b) = 2 a ^2 - 3 b^2


Our L.H.S. is (2a + 3b)(a -b)
2a^{2} -2ab + 3ab - 3b^{2}
2a^{2} +ab - 3b^{2}\neq R.H.S.
Correct statement is (2a + 3b)(a -b) = 2a^{2} +ab - 3b^{2}

Question:14 Find and correct the errors in the following mathematical statements.

( a + 4 ) ( a +2 ) = a ^ 2 + 8


Oue L.H.S. is (a + 4)(a + 2)
a^{2} + 2a + 4a + 8
a^{2} + 6a + 8\neq R.H.S.
Correct statement is (a + 4)(a + 2) = a^{2} + 6a + 8

Question:15 Find and correct the errors in the following mathematical statements.

(a - 4 ) ( a - 2 )= a ^2 - 8


Our L.H.S. is (a - 2) (a - 4)
a^{2} - 4a - 2a + 8
a^{2} - 6a+ 8\neq R.H.S.
Correct statement is (a - 2) (a - 4) = a^{2} - 6a+ 8

Question:16 Find and correct the errors in the following mathematical statements.

\frac{3 x ^2}{3 x ^2 } = 0


Our L.H.S. is
\Rightarrow \frac{3x^{2}}{3x^{2}}
R.H.S. = 0
It is clear from the above that L.H.S. is not equal to R.H.S.
So, correct statement is
\frac{3x^{2}}{3x^{2}} = 1

Question:17 Find and correct the errors in the following mathematical statements.

\frac{3 x ^2 + 1 }{3 x ^2 } = 1+1 = 2


Our L.H.S. is
\Rightarrow \frac{3x^2+1}{3x^2}
R.H.S. = 2
It is clear from the above stattement that L.H.S. is not equal to R.H.S.
So, correct statement is
\frac{3x^{2}+1}{3x^{2}} = 1 + \frac{1}{3x^{2}} = \frac{3x^{2}+1}{3x^{2}}

Question:18 find and correct the errors in the following mathematical statements.

\frac{3 x }{3 x +2 } = 1/2


Our L.H.S.

\Rightarrow \frac{3x}{3x+2}

R.H.S. = 1/2

It can be clearly observed that L.H.S is not equal to R.H.S

So, the correct statement is,

\frac{3x}{3x+2} = \frac{3x}{3x+2}

Question:19 find and correct the errors in the following mathematical statements

\frac{3}{4x +3}= \frac{1}{4x }


Our L.H.S. is \Rightarrow \frac{3}{4x+3} = \frac{3}{4x+3} \neq R.H.S.

Correct statement is \frac{3}{4x+3} = \frac{3}{4x+3}

Question:20 find and correct the errors in the following mathematical statements

\frac{4 x + 5 }{4x } = 5


Our L.H.S. is \Rightarrow \frac{4x+5}{4x} = \frac{4x}{4x} + \frac{5}{4x} = 1 + \frac{5}{4x} \neq R.H.S.

Correct statement is \frac{4x+5}{4x} = 1 + \frac{5}{4x} = \frac{4x+5}{4x}

Question:21 find and correct the errors in the following mathematical statements

\frac{7x +5}{5} = 7x


Our L.H.S. is \Rightarrow \frac{7x+5}{5} = \frac{7x}{5} + \frac{5}{5} = \frac{7x}{5} + 1 \neq R.H.S.

Correct statement is \frac{7x+5}{5} = \frac{7x}{5} + 1 = \frac{7x+5}{5}

NCERT Class 8 Mathematics Solutions

Chapter 01 - Rational Numbers

Chapter 02 - Linear Equations in One Variable

Chapter 03 -Understanding Quadrilaterals

Chapter 04 - Practical Geometry

Chapter 05 - Data Handling

Chapter 06 - Squares and Square Roots

Chapter 07 - Cubes and Cube Roots

Chapter 08 - Comparing Quantities

Chapter 09 - Algebraic Expressions and Identities

Chapter 10 - Visualising Solid Shapes

Chapter 11 - Mensuration

Chapter 12 - Exponents and Powers

Chapter 13 - Direct and Indirect proportions

Chapter 14 - Factorisation

Chapter 15 - Introduction to Graphs

Chapter 16 - Playing with Numbers

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