Perform Your Best in Karnataka SSLC
Motivation is the only factor through which the students can attain high marks in Karnataka Class XII board exams. Karnataka Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination is a major examination that is appeared by the school students.
Karnataka SSLC 10th result plays a major role in determining the subjects that the student will be studying in the higher classes. These annual examinations are given by thousands of students and they give their best to score the highest marks in them.
Languages in which Karnataka SSLC is given are English, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu. The board exams are conducted for 3 hours each and the exams are conducted in the order that is prescribed in the SSLC time table 2019 Karnataka State Syllabus.
Creating a definite plan for the exams will be really helpful for the students as without it they would not be able to complete the syllabus. For the Class X students, it is their first contact with the board exams.
Main subjects of Karnataka SSLC are Science, Social Science and Mathematics. Analysing the previous year pass percentage of Karnataka SSLC it was 73.7 percent. Girls outshined their male counterparts. Passing percentage of girls was more than that of boys in an exam where as many as 8,41,666 students appeared last year.
Board exams give a window to the students to pursue the subjects of their choice in the higher classes. In Class XI, the students are said to choose the stream which they want to study such as Science, Commerce and Humanities with personalized subject combinations.
Karnataka SSLC Matric Result will be published online and the students can check the results on their mobile phones or computer. Until Class X, the students had no choice and had to study the subjects allocated in the syllabus. Afterwards they can choose the subjects of their interest and the ones they want to study in college.
Even for admission in Class XI, the students have to score high marks otherwise they would not be granted admission into a college of their choice with the stream of their choosing. Many students also change their schools after Class X as the subjects that they want to study are not available in the school they are currently studying in. Therefore, there are various options after Class X.
Name of the Education Board | Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board |
Parent organisation | Minister for Higher Education and Minister for Primary & Secondary |
Type of Education | State Governmental Board of School Education |
Standard | Secondary School Leaving Certificate (commonly referred to as SSLC) |
Name of the Course | First Language, Second Language, Third Language, Mathematics, Science, Social Science |
Official Website | kseeb.kar.nic.in |
Important Dates For Karnataka SSLC
Board exams of Class X of Karnataka board will be conducted from March 27 to April 9. Aspirants of Karnataka SSLC have to note the important dates regarding the exam as without it the students would not know when which exam is going to be held.
The sequence in which the exams are going to be conducted are known to the students by the help of the exam timetable that is laid down by Karnataka board. Timetable of board exams of Class X was published on Karnataka SSLC official website on November 30, 2019.
To view the timetable, the students have to log into kseeb.kar.nic.in. The option to download the timetable is given on the website. It is very important that the students remember the dates of the exam so that they don't miss any exam by any chance.
In January, Karnataka SSLC admit card was made available to the students and they can download the admit card from the official website. Regular candidates got the hard copy of the admit card from their respective schools.
Karnataka SSLC result Class 10th will be published in the last week of April. The candidates should plan the exam study schedule beforehand so that they do not need to bother about preparing one at the eleventh hour.
Dates | Exams |
Mar 27 | First Language (Kannada/ Telugu/ Hindi/ Marathi/ Tamil/ Urdu/ English/ Sanskrit) | Mode: Offline |
Mar 30 | Science, Political Science, Carnatic Music/ Hindustani Music | Mode: Offline |
Apr 01 | Second Language (English/ Kannada) | Mode: Offline |
Apr 03 | Third Language, NSQF subjects exam | Mode: Offline |
Apr 04 | Exam - Elements of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Engineering Graphics-2, Elements of Electronics Engineering, Elements of Computer Science, Indian Economics | Mode: Offline |
Apr 07 | Mathematics, Sociology | Mode: Offline |
Apr 09 | Social Science | Mode: Offline |
Apr 30 (Tentative) | Result | Mode: Online |
Eligibility Criteria For Karnataka SSLC
Karnataka board has laid down a binding eligibility criteria that has to be followed by the students failing which would debar them from the exam. It is very important that the students abide by the rules.
It is mandatory that the students have to be declared pass in Class IX from a school under the Karnataka SSLC. Attendance of students matter a lot as without it the students cannot give the exam. A minimum of 75 percent attendance is mandatory for the students.
CLEAR EXAM presents the key pointers that the students need to keep in mind to meet the eligibility criteria for Karnataka SSLC.
The candidate must have completed 18 years as on April 1 if the examination is held in April and June 1 if the examination is conducted in September. |
The candidate must have passed the primary VII examination conducted by the authority of the department of public instruction or an examination equivalent to the same. |
Ex-school candidates must have themselves registered as ex-school candidates in a recognised school after the payment of the prescribed fee. |
Application For Karnataka SSLC
The road to board exams begins with application process that is quite similar to the registration process followed by the board. It is mandatory for all the aspirants to complete it. After the successful acceptance of the Karnataka SSLC 10th Application Form and fees by the board, the students become eligible to appear Karnataka SSLC exams.
Keeping in mind that it is a very important process, the students must pay attention to the details mentioned in the form needs to be correct. Incorrect details given to the board may lead to the application being rejected as everything is verified.
Payment of fees with the submission of the application form is also necessary. Without it the form will not be accepted after submission. Karnataka SSLC form is submitted offline only. It has to be submitted to the Board’s office or to the schools concerned.
The school in which the student is currently studying must be in accordance with the Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board. Along with the application form, the students have to submit three attested passport size photographs and must make sure that they are professionally clicked.
Birth certificates are also required to be submitted to the board. Application form fees can be paid through a demand draft. The application fee for Karnataka SSLC has been set to Rs 354 for the regular candidates and Rs 185 for private candidates.
Syllabus For Karnataka SSLC
Aspirants get anxious on how they are going to complete Karnataka SSLC syllabus but it is only through effective planning they would achieve it. Syllabus is the plan for the exam and is to be followed by the students. Question paper is also set in accordance with the syllabus by the board.
List of chapters and the topics covered in the chapter are clearly mentioned in Karnataka SSLC 10th syllabus is quite useful for the reference of the teachers and also the students. In a summarized form, the students get to know what all topics they need to cover for the exam. Karnataka SSLC has three main subjects Mathematics, Science and Social Science.
List of subjects for Karnataka SSLC are Kannada, English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Marati, Maths, Science, Social Science, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, Yogashastra, EVS, Arabic and Persian. As the syllabus is vast, the students must start their preparations accordingly. On the official website of the board, the students will be able to download the syllabus.
Syllabus For Maths
Number System | Euclid’s division lemma, Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic – statements after reviewing work done earlier and after illustrating and motivating through examples, Proofs of results – irrationality of √2, √3, √5, decimal expansions of rational numbers in terms of terminating/non-terminating recurring decimals. |
Algebra | Zeros of a polynomial. The relationship between zeros and coefficients of quadratic polynomials. Statement and simple problems on the division algorithm for polynomials with real coefficients. Pair of linear equations in two variables and graphical solution. Geometric representation of different possibilities of solutions/inconsistency. Algebraic conditions for a number of solutions. A solution of a pair of linear equations in two variables algebraically – by substitution, by elimination and by cross multiplication method. Simple situational problems must be included. Simple problems on equations reducible to linear equations. Arithmetic Progression Derivation of the nth term and sum of the first n terms of A.P. and application in solving daily life problems. |
Syllabus For Science
Physics | Heat, Electricity, Electromagnetism, Reflection of Light on Different Surface, Refraction at Plane Surface, Refraction at Curved Surface, Human Eye and Colorful World. |
Chemical Substances | Chemical reactions: Chemical equation, Balanced chemical equation, implications of a balanced chemical equation, types of chemical reactions: combination, decomposition, displacement, double displacement, precipitation, neutralization, oxidation and reduction. Acids, bases and salts: definitions in terms of furnishing of H+ and OH- ions, General properties, examples and uses, concept of pH scale(Definition relating to logarithm not required), importance of pH in everyday life; preparation and uses of sodium hydroxide, Bleaching powder, Baking soda, Washing soda and Plaster of Paris. Metals and non-metals: Properties of metals and non-metals, reactivity series, formation and properties of ionic compounds, basic metallurgical processes, corrosion and its prevention. Carbon compounds: Covalent bonding in carbon compounds. Versatile nature of carbon. Homologous series Nomenclature of carbon compounds containing functional groups (halogens, alcohol, ketones, aldehydes, alkanes and alkynes), the difference between saturated hydrocarbons and unsaturated hydrocarbons |
World of Living | Reproduction: Reproduction in animal and plants (asexual and sexual) reproductive health-need for and methods of family planning. safe sex vs HIV/AIDS. Childbearing and women’s health. Heredity and evolution: Heredity; Mendel’s contribution- Laws for the inheritance of traits: Sex determination: brief introduction; Basic concepts of evolution. |
Natural Phenomenon | Reflection of light at curved surfaces, Images formed by spherical mirrors, centre of curvature, principal axis, principal focus, focal length, mirror formula (Derivation not required), magnification. Refraction; laws of refraction, refractive index. Refraction of light by the spherical lens, Image formed by spherical lenses, Lens formula (Derivation not required), Magnification. Power of a lens. |
Effects of Current | Electric current, potential difference and electric current. Ohm’s law; Resistance, Resistivity, Factors on which the resistance of a conductor depends. Series combination of resistors, the parallel combination of resistors and its applications in daily life. Heating effect of electric current and its applications in daily life. Electric power, Interrelation between P, V, I and R. |
Syllabus For Social Science
Unit 1: India and the Contemporary World – II | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe: The growth of nationalism in Europe after the 1830s, The ideas of Giuseppe Mazzini, etc, General characteristics of the movements in Poland, Hungary, Italy, Germany and Greece. |
Unit 2: Contemporary India – II | Resources and Development: Types – natural and human; Need for resource planning, natural resources, land as a resource, soil types and distribution; changing land-use pattern; land degradation and conservation measures. (Chapter 1) |
Unit 3. Water Resources | Sources, distribution, utilisation, multi-purpose projects, water scarcity, need for conservation and management, rainwater harvesting. (One case study to be introduced) |
Unit 4. Agriculture | Types of farming, major crops, cropping pattern, technological and institutional reforms; impact; the contribution of Agriculture to national economy-employment and output. |
Unit 5 . Minerals and Energy Resources: | Types of minerals, distribution (Note: on a map only) use and economic importance of minerals, conservation, types of power resources: conventional and non-conventional, distribution and utilization, and conservation |
Unit 6. Manufacturing Industries | Types, spatial distribution (Note: on the map only) contribution of industries to the national economy, industrial pollution and degradation of the environment, measures to control degradation. |
Preparation Tips For Karnataka SSLC
CLEAR EXAM presents the Karnataka SSLC 10th Preparation Tips for the reference of the students. To shine better than their peers, candidates require to work as twice as hard as they are doing. Only through hard work the students will be able to score high scores.
By drafting a strategy for the exams the students will be able to outshine the other students. Good marks in Class X ensure that the students will get admission into the stream of their choice. On the personal interest of the students, they must choose where they want to take admission and which combination of subjects they want to study.
Revision of the chapters on a daily basis increases the retention and recalling capabilities of the students and also enhances their knowledge on the subject. When the students are attending classes they should be completely attentive in class because the majority of the concepts can be learned when one listens carefully in class.
Studying through a study schedule makes it systematic for the students as they then know which chapter they have completed in a day. Weekly and daily goals of a student should be clearly defined so that they work towards their goals.
Other than the notes that are given in the school, the students must also make their own notes when they are doing self study as they would be more personalized according to the learnings of the students. Important points of a topic should clearly be marked so that when the student is revising before the exam then they can easily trace what all they have to learn.
Along with studying for the exam, the students should also take good care of their health because bad health may lead them to missing the exam despite rigorous studies. Taking care of mental health is also important as the students get very stressed during the preparation time.
Exam Pattern For Karnataka SSLC
Analyzing Karnataka SSLC 10th Exam Pattern is vital before the exams. The main subjects of the Karnataka SSLC are Mathematics, Social Science and Science.
The best way the students will be able to study the exam pattern is by giving the maximum number of mock tests. The tables below denote the subjects and the stipulated time given to each student to answer the question paper.
The maximum marks of which the exam would be conducted is of 100 marks and candidates must try to score their best. Without understanding the exam pattern, it would be difficult for the students to score well.
Some of the students skip this part of understanding the exam pattern before the exam but then on the day of the exam they have no strategy of how they have to start solving the question paper. Students can first solve the difficult set of questions and then they will have ample time to solve the easy questions.
Languages | Marks | Duration | Core subjects | Marks | Duration |
First Language | 125 | 3 hours | Mathematics | 100 | 3 hours |
Second Language | 100 | 2 ½ hours | Science | 100 | 3 hours |
Third Language | 100 | 2 ½ hours | Social Science | 100 | 3 hours |
Name of the Subject | Number of Marks | Time Duration |
Language Paper I
100 Marks
3 Hours |
Language Paper II
100 Marks
3 Hours |
Language Paper III
100 Marks
3 Hours |
Maths | 100 Marks
3 Hours |
Science | 100 Marks
3 Hours |
Social Science | 100 Marks
3 Hours |
Mock Test For Karnataka SSLC
For the board exams preparation, it is a must that the candidates practise the mock tests as without them the students preparation would not be completed. Solving the mock test papers will also boost the confidence of the students and they will also come to know how much they are scoring in the test.
Karnataka board publishes the sample papers on its website for the students to practise. The answer key of each test is also made available so that the students can match the answers.
The marking scheme and the type of questions asked can only be understood through the sample papers. Analysis of the weightage which is given to a topic can only be derived from the previous exam papers.
Students should never miss this step of practising the mock tests or else they will not know how the exam pattern is. First step in exam preparation is that the students should complete their syllabus and then they must start with solving the mock tests.
Increase in the confidence levels of the students is achieved only by solving the mock tests else the students will never come to know how their performance is.
Admit Card For Karnataka SSLC
Entry of the students in the exam hall will only be permitted on producing a valid admit card. Karnataka SSLC 10th Admit Card, issued by the Karnataka Board, is the only way through which the students are allowed to enter.
Strict checking is done at the entrance of the designated Class X board exam centres. They don't allow students without an admit card. It is the most important identification document that has to be preserved well by the students.
Even the school authorities cannot help if a student shows up to the exam centre without their admit card. Regular students who are studying in the schools that are affiliated to the Karnataka Board are given the admit card by the school officials itself.
It is vital that the students handle their admit cards carefully and bring it along to the exam hall on the exam day.
Result For Karnataka SSLC
The students anxiously await Karnataka SSLC Result. Marks that the students fetch in Class X will be the basis on which they will be getting admission in higher education.
Karnataka SSLC Class 10th Result Date is very important for the students as they will get to know about their performance in the exams. In the last week of April, the students will be getting their results online on the official website that is kseeb.kar.nic.in.
Advent of internet has made the lives of students easy so that they can easily check their Karnataka SSLC 10th Result at the comfort of their homes. Declaration of the results will be done in the online mode only and the students must download the result card that is generated till the time they don't get the hardcopy of the from the board.
Students can get their 10th Result Karnataka SSLC via SMS. The students should get disheartened if their results are not up to the mark as they must only focus on how they can make the best of the current situation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How will the students get their roll number for the board exams?
A: The students will be provided the board roll numbers by the board itself and they will be mentioned on the admit card.
Q: When will the results of the board exams be declared?
A: In the last week of April the results of the Karnataka SSLC are likely to be released.
Q: Is it important to carry the school ID to the exam hall?
A: Yes, it is really important to carry the school ID to the exam hall because without the admit card and the school ID the students would not be allowed.
Q: How to beat the stress for the exams?
A: Candidates must take small breaks in between their study schedule to reduce the stress of exams that they are facing.
Q: Where to check the Karnataka SSLC results?
A: The students must visit kseeb.kar.nic.in. to check the results.