IIT JEE Mains Mock Test | IIT JEE Mains Test Series Online to Crack IIT Exam
Clear Exam is a coaching institute for students mainly in the fields of IIT, Law, Medical & Management entrance exams. It creates seamless experiences for students by expanding the boundaries of competitive exam preparation. It provides expert coaching and at the same time doubts resolving of students ensuring the students get their concepts cleared. The founders of this institute, combined with a team of educators, high-ranking professionals, advocates, post-doctorates, ex-IITians, etc, aim to see the light of the day in their vision, "Reach a Million, Teach a Million". Their synergistic efforts have so far borne fruit, with students' lakhs touching the zenith of success. ClearExam has the best IIT JEE Mains Mock Test.
There are many developments in the field of education, as many common approaches are being replaced by innovations in technology. A few of these include the manner in which exams are carried out and how candidates practice for them. In bringing about this transition, computers and the Internet have played a major role. For many of the reviewing bodies that perform large-scale tests, online examinations are a blessing. In order to decide on admissions to some of the premier institutions, various exams are being conducted across the world. For students who wish to apply for admission to various engineering colleges in India, one of them is the IIT JEE or the Joint Entrance Test. It is conducted in two stages, IIT JEE Mains and IIT JEE-Advanced, respectively. The JEE-Main replaces the earlier CBSE-conducted AIEEE. In the IIT JEE Advanced Test, applicants who clear the IIT JEE Mains Mock Test are qualified to appear. Students who are at the top of the advanced IIT exam may apply for admission to India's leading engineering colleges, such as the National Institutes of Technology, the Indian Institute of Information Technology and other centrally funded technical institutes. In order to be admitted to one of India's leading engineering institutions, the JEE Mains, which have high difficulty levels, must be clear. Therefore the clearing of this competitive exam involves hard work, planning and practice from the end of a student.
The JEE Mains is one of the most widely popular exams throughout India for all the Engineering aspirants of the country. Lakhs of students all over the country prepare religiously for the exam with hopes of cracking it and getting a ticket to the prestigious institutions of the country to pursue engineering. The massive difference between the number of students attending JEE Mains and the number of students acing the exams with flying colors coupled with the difference between the student population and the meager amount of engineering colleges in the country is in the spotlight, and this makes JEE mains one of the most difficult exams in the world. IIT JEE Mains Mock Test is conducted by the National Testing Agency and is conducted in the computer based mode. NTA has set up practice centers for IIT JEE Mains Mock Test. JEE Main is one of the most competitive engineering entrance exams in the world. JEE Main is a gateway to almost all the national engineering colleges of India. A whopping 1.15 million engineering aspirants participate in this process every year. The performance in the JEE Main directly decides your admission to all NITs, IIITs and CFTIs. Additionally, it also serves as a qualifying exam for JEE Advanced, the performance in which decides your admission to the coveted IITs. IIT JEE Mains Mock Test will be conducted as online (Computer-based Test) mode in Jan & September by CBSE (until official confirmation otherwise).
The IIT JEE Mains Mock Test Series is the perfect way to begin your preparations for the prestigious JEE Main exam efficiently. As released by NTA, the test series for JEE Main is based on the current exam pattern and syllabus. The IIT JEE Mains Mock Test Series, prepared by our experts, is based on a thorough review of patterns and difficulty levels from the previous year.
How students should prepare?
Needless to say, Indian engineering aspirants (and their parents), to whom the competitive spirit is drilled right from childhood leave no stone unturned to prepare themselves for the D day. Right from enrolling in multiple test series and attending multiple coaching centers, the students constantly try various ways continuously to crack the exam. Following are some of the common things JEE aspirants in India do
Enrolling in Multiple Test Series: Students in India are never satisfied with one IIT JEE Mains Mock Test series. They enroll themselves in multiple ones and try them all. This way, students would get to experience different tastes and flavors of questions.
Mocks and more Mocks! : Solving the IIT JEE Mains Mock Test diligently by timing themselves for 3 hours, and spending another 6-8 hours analyzing the mock is the most effective approach according to many experts. It would be ideal to allot the last three months to solve the mocks alone. By practicing mocks regularly, the student would be able to mitigate the last-minute jitters and be more comfortable with the exam setup. It is highly advisable to solve the previous years' papers with a similar environment as on the D-day to get more acquainted. Students can easily get access to the mock tests on this page and we, at ClearExam, offer them subject wise mock tests for JEE and they are completely based on the latest exam syllabus and exam pattern. The IIT JEE Mains Mock Test provided by ClearExam covers the whole syllabus and important units for JEE Main. IIT JEE Mains Test Series Online papers are prepared by our experts at ClearExam who have years of experience in teaching and preparation of questions and tests for the students. The experts being IIT graduates, the questions have been carefully crafted and picked that aligns with both the student’s expectations and the requirements of the test.
NCERT book: A wise IIT JEE Mains Test Series Online aspirant would never ignore the NCERT books, especially the Chemistry NCERT textbook, often referred to as the Bible for JEE Mains. There have been multiple instances where the questions that were asked in IIT JEE Mains Mock Test were of the similar type one would find in the HOTs section. Hence a thorough revision of all the NCERT problems would be a bonus, (it would help in the board exams as well)
Robust Timetable: Yes, a timetable is never easy to follow, but as the saying goes “ a fool with a plan can easily defeat the wise one without a plan “. A robust timetable, with the right mix of all the three subjects, should be made and stuck on the wall. And the more important thing is to be completely ok if the expectations are not reached, “ little drops make a mighty ocean” All right! Enough with the proverbs!
The right choice of books: Again, a determining factor. There are certain “must-have” books for the IIT JEE Mains Mock Test, such as the HC Varma for physics. It is important to rightly identify and collect the books priorly. A good book makes things 100 times easier, not exaggerating!
IIT JEE Mains Mock Test Analysis
Acing the exam is no cakewalk, it demands extreme focus and determination for years, coupled with an in-depth knowledge of the concepts and reasoning skills. It also requires you to manage time efficiently and effectively in the examination center. Your speed in the examination should come up along with the accuracy level, without accuracy there will not be a good result. Good marks in the exams can be obtained with a well-defined plan, good time-management skills with very little scope for errors. Easier said than done! ClearExam provides a IIT JEE Mains Mock Test Series online for IIT JEE along with the analysis.
Here's only one sure way to know if your preparation is going in the right direction - By taking Online mock tests. So, Test your Preparation Level with ClearExam's IIT JEE Mains Test Series Online for JEE Mains. Take IIT JEE Mains Mock Test and check last-minute Preparation Tips!
The IIT JEE Mains Mock Test analysis is provided at no cost. We track the below-mentioned points in the analysis.
We also keep a record of the duration the student spends on each question. This gives an insight into the type of questions the student could solve too quickly. This might suggest that the student is too overconfident or answered it haphazardly. If the student is taking more time to solve one question, even that gets tracked and which means that he/ she is weak in that particular concept. ClearExam gives detailed feedback on the performance of the test taken and complete insight into the way the student has taken the test. This will help the students in the longer run, and also they can understand their weak areas and focus on rectifying them. Once the test has been submitted by the students, the detailed analysis will be provided with reasoning for every question asked along with the answers, irrespective of whether the question has been answered by the student or not. We, at ClearExam, have prepared these IIT JEE Mains Test Series Online based on a statistical level and a particular pattern has been followed with the difficulty levels of the questions. The questions have been carefully designed, solving those will boost the confidence of the students. The paper consists of a mixture of questions of varying difficulty and also categorized chapter-wise and concept-wise. Enough efforts have been made to ensure the comfortability of the students while attempting the paper.
There is an option to retake the same test too after the IIT JEE Mains Test Series Online has been submitted. However, there will be no change in the rank that had been initially provided, this is done to make the student aware of the students’ position as compared to their peers. The ranks are provided for each concept, that would enable the student to self-analyze their expertise in that particular concept
Advantages of IIT JEE Mains Mock Test:
Right Strategy
The IIT JEE Mains Test Series Online provided would be critical in identifying the right strategy. It enables the students to discover the best strategy that is the best fit. In this way, each student discovers, over time the right way/ method of preparation, rightly identifies the weak and the strong areas, and plans the preparation accordingly. It is important to observe that the strategy varies for every individual, and this must be left to the students to discover their own, mock tests are the best way to do that.
IIT JEE Mains Mock Test
IIT JEE Key is being performed by the National Research Agency from 1st to 6 September. As in previous years, the IIT JEE Mains Test Series Online Exam Pattern and the JEE Main Syllabus are the same. To improve their training, students must take the IIT JEE Mains Mock Test Series right now. JEE Main is one of India's most popular engineering entrance exams and it will help you take your exam by taking the IIT JEE Mains Test Series Online Series for practice. JEE Key April reviews were postponed to September due to the COVID-19 situation. JEE Main is attracting millions of applicants for engineering across the country. As it has many benefits, students choose to take the JEE Mains test series for free online. First of all, in the online test, it takes less time to mark the responses than in the offline pen and paper-based exam. Also if you answered it incorrectly the first time, you have the option to change your answer. In several ways, IIT JEE Mains Mock Test Online Series allows students to get a feeling of a real-time exam, develop their time management, etc. We will provide you with all the required details about the IIT JEE Mains Mock Test in this post. To find out how to take the free IIT JEE Mains Mock Test Exam, read on. JEE Key previous year question papers on various parameters such as the degree of complexity, syllabus coverage, an ideal time for each question, repetitive nature of concepts, etc. were analyzed by India's best data scientists and these online mock tests were developed. Let us have a summary of the exam before getting into the specifics of the IIT JEE Mains Test Series Online Sequence:
Since the JEE Key Exams are to be held from 1 to 6 September, it is time for you to start planning for the September session. IIT JEE Mains Mock Test is one of the most important competitive exams and proper planning and diligence are needed for its preparation. To assist you in your JEE Planning, we have launched IIT JEE Previous Year Papers.
To clear IIT JEE Mains Mock Test, here are some significant last-minute planning tips:
- In all three subjects, revise essential formulas.
- Go through the previous year's key JEE articles.
- JEE Key Mock Test Series Attempt.
- Do not at this stage, research something new.
- Late at night, don't sit awake.
- Don't be too early to wake up. The test begins at 09:00 a.m., so hit the center at least 45 minutes before the examination.
- Enjoy a light meal. Don't go away with an empty stomach or a loaded stomach.
- Ensure that during the test, you hold the JEE Key Admit Card with you. Blue or black ballpoint pens, pencils, erasers, etc are also included.
- Offer each topic 1 hour so that all topics are covered.
- First, do the easy questions and then leave the difficult ones for later on.
- Do not speak with friends about any subject-related matters.
- Lastly, in the query paper, remember to read all the instructions carefully.
Why Should We Take the IIT JEE Mains Mock Test?
You need to get familiar with computers and computer-based exams before taking the actual exam. At ClearExam, you have the best environment to have as many free question papers for the IIT JEE Main online test as you need to prepare for the IIT JEE Mains Mock Test. Besides, to give yourself the extra edge you need, you have access to the IIT JEE Key previous year papers and solutions. When students are satisfied with their plans, time management, and performance enhancement are comparatively simpler. Therefore, students will be able to easily overcome nervousness by solving IIT JEE mock tests and develop a positive mindset that will further assist them to answer all the questions with an affirmative perspective. It is therefore recommended that you evaluate your preparations after completing your preparations by trying the IIT JEE Mains Test Series Online.
The best way to improve and strengthen your examination training is to write the mock exams. Besides, the intensive practice of finding the answers to the questions asked in the IIT JEE Mains Test Series Online can help you prepare strongly for the final exam and also improve your level of confidence. We will recognize the advantages or benefits of taking mock tests below.
Benefits of IIT JEE Mains Mock Test Series Online trial
Students need to have proper time management abilities in highly competitive exams such as IIT JEE Main and JEE Advanced. Besides determining one's progress in the test, it plays a crucial role. In JEE, students usually need to answer 90 questions in a short three-hour time span, which is never an easy task. Students are therefore expected to develop their speed, accuracy, and time management skills to be able to answer more questions easily in less time. This can be done by solving IIT JEE Mains Test Series Online documents from JEE Key. These test papers offer a clear view of the examination pattern, and to get acquainted with the questions, students should practice solving them. Students have greater chances of solving the question paper in time with constant practice.
The final review is typically carried out in an online (computer-based) mode and the questions are usually asked in the format of an MCQ. It is therefore necessary for students to get used to the real exam scenario. Students will get used to the examination mode by solving IIT JEE Mains Mock Test papers along with the question papers of the previous year and they will not face any uncertainty during the exam day. These test papers closely imitate the actual exam and are based more on the current pattern of the IIT JEE Mains Test Series Online exam. It ultimately offers a snapshot of what occurs during the actual test. Therefore, students are encouraged to take the tests seriously and it will help them develop the right temperament for the review. To complete the entire question paper in time, they should further formulate successful strategies.
Particulars |
Paper 1 |
Paper 2 |
Exam Mode |
Online |
Both online and offline |
Sections |
3 sections – Physics, maths and Chemistry |
3 sections – Mathematics, Drawing, and Aptitude |
Duration |
3 hours |
3 hours |
Number of Questions |
90 questions – 30 questions are from each section |
82 questions – Mathematics has 30 questions, Aptitude has 50 questions, Drawing includes 2 questions |
Question Types |
MCQ with 4 options as answers |
Maths and aptitude include objective type questions. And also those that tests drawing and sketching abilities |
Total Marks |
360 |
390 |
Medium of the Paper |
Hindi and English. Gujarati is also included for candidates from some states |
English, Hindi and Gujarati |
The marking scheme for JEE Exam is as follows:
Marking Scheme |
Four marks allotted for the correct answer One mark subtracted for every incorrect answer Zero marks for questions that are left unanswered |
Total Duration |
3 hours |
Language of Question paper |
English or Hindi ( Candidates from Gujarati, Daman & Diu and Nagar Haveli can opt for Gujarati as well ) |
Some of the benefits of taking the Online IIT JEE Mains Mock TestSeries are given below.
1. Revision Helps Attempting IIT JEE Mains Test Series Online allows you to study all topics and key formulas.
2. Knowledge of the test pattern: Students must be aware of the type of questions asked in the exam, the overall marks, and the level of difficulty of the questions asked. Here you can understand the actual exam pattern using the IIT JEE Mains Mock Test.
3. Performance Evaluation: ClearExam provides you with a thorough review summary of the mock test taken at the end of each test. This lets students evaluate their success (where and what needs to be improved).
4. Help Improve Pace and Accuracy: The IIT JEE Mains Test Series Online helps to increase the speed and accuracy of testing. It helps to solve the whole paper on time and to score higher as a result.
5. Motivation and self-confidence: The student's performance gets better day by day by taking the online IIT JEE Mains Mock Test sequence, which gives him/her enough motivation to do well in the examinations. Self-confidence is often achieved by seeing the review of results and improved ratings.
You spend hours, days, weeks, months, years planning for the main JEE. In your performance, a mock test plays a significant role. In the following points, the function of the IIT JEE Mains Mock Test is clarified.
- The IIT JEE Mains Test Series Online makes you familiar with the actual pattern of the exam.
- You know your strengths and weaknesses with every IIT JEE Mains Mock Test.
- Your pace and accuracy are built up by IIT JEE Mains Mock Test, both very necessary to score high.
- You understand the difficulty level of the exam and get mentally prepared for it after solving one or more online papers from NTA IIT JEE Main.
- ClearExam IIT JEE Mains Mock Test Series sample papers, practice papers, previous year papers from JEE Key, help you handle time better in answering multiple-choice questions.
One of the most productive ways to plan for the IIT JEE Mains Mock Test is to practice or focus on documents/sample papers from the previous year. Solving the IIT JEE The key papers of the previous year at ClearExam will allow you to develop your intellectual skills and abilities for testing:
IIT JEE Main Previous Year Papers |
Test Link |
JEE Main 2018 Paper (April 8) |
Take Test |
JEE Main 2018 Paper (April 15) |
Take Test |
JEE Main 2018 Paper (April 16) |
Take Test |
JEE Main 2017 Paper (April 2) |
Take Test |
JEE Main 2017 Paper (April 8) |
Take Test |
JEE Main 2017 Paper (April 9) |
Take Test |
JEE Main 2016 Paper (April 3) |
Take Test |
JEE Main 2016 Paper (April 9) |
Take Test |
JEE Main 2016 Paper (April 10) |
Take Test |
JEE Main 2015 Paper (April 4) |
Take Test |
JEE Main 2015 Paper (April 10) |
Take Test |
JEE Main 2015 Paper (April 11) |
Take Test |
JEE Main 2014 Paper (April 6) |
Take Test |
JEE Main 2014 Paper (April 9) |
Take Test |
JEE Main 2014 Paper (April 11) |
Take Test |
JEE Main 2014 Paper (April 19) |
Take Test |
JEE Main 2013 Paper (April 7) |
Take Test |
Answering a question in IIT JEE Mains Mock test:
The procedure in the JEE Key mock test for answering a multiple choice form question is—
- Click one of the options on the button to select an answer.
- Click again on the button of the chosen choice to deselect the chosen answer or click on the "Clear button.
- To change the chosen answer, click on a different choice button.
- Candidates must click on the "Save & Next" button in order to save an answer.
- Tap on the 'Mark for Review & Next' button to mark the issue for review.
- To change the answer to a question that has already been answered, first pick the answering question and then follow the answering procedure for that type of question.
Steps to navigate through the sections in IIT JEE Mains Mock Test:
- Parts are shown on the top bar of the computer in this question article. A section's questions can be viewed by clicking on the name of the section. The segment you are viewing at the moment is highlighted.
- You will be automatically taken to the first question of the next section after clicking on the Save & Next button on the last question for a section.
- Only during the period stipulated can you shuffle everything between parts and questions during the exam according to your convenience.
- As part of the legend that appears in every section above the query palette, candidates will access the corresponding section summary.
Steps to register for IIT JEE Mains Mock Test at Practice centre:
Candidates willing to appear at the designated Test Practice Centers (TPCs) for the IIT JEE Mains Mock Test will have to register for the test and book their slots. Find out the comprehensive registration process here —
- First, applicants will have to visit the official NTA (nta.ac.in) website. Click on the button for 'Registration (Mock Test).'
- Second, candidates will need to register using their password and email or mobile number. Click "Log In"
- Candidates will need to choose their favorite mock test date.
- It is important to enter the pin code/center where the candidates wish to try the mock exam.
- In the list of choices, candidates will have to pick their preferred test centres and click on the "Confirm Booking" button.
IIT JEE Mains Mock Test centers - More about registration dates:
Though applicants are looking forward to JEE Main, registration for booking the mock test centers has now been opened by the exam authority. From August 10 to December 29 the registration window is open. For the mock exam, candidates should register and book their slots. The tests will take place in offline mode, and both paper 1 and paper 2 will be available. All of these were intended to help students get a sense of the actual scenario of the exam.
Steps to register:
- Visit the official website of the NTA: https:/ntatpc.in/ and click on the student tab where the registration area for the IIT JEE Mains Test Series Online is located.
- If you already have an account or can sign up, you can log in. Send and set a password with your personal information, e-mail-id, and phone number.
- You will log in once your registration is over.
- A page will open after login, which will show the dates for booking. Pick your date of choice.
- You will then need to reach the Pincode region for the center where you want to try the mock test.
- The test centers can be selected by each candidate based on preferences.
Students will be presented with some general guidance before taking the mock exam, which they should go over carefully. All the specifics of the mock test are given, including steps to answer questions and navigate through the test. The test will end automatically at the end of the allotted time.
How ClearExam holds the hand of the IIT JEE aspirants to achieve their goals?
ClearExam provides the following ways to help the students achieve their goals of clearing the JEE exam with flying colors.
- Classroom coaching
- Study material
- Video course
- Test Series
Classroom coaching:
Doubt resolving sessions:
None of your academic questions will remain unanswered with CLEAREXAM. Periodic query classes provide students with a one on one contact to strengthen their vulnerable areas.
Exclusive study material:
Carefully selected and scientifically prepared research material to ensure that even the most complicated subjects are understood. The emphasis is on demonstrating the central implementation of the principle with step-wise solutions using carefully selected questions.
Well, experience experts:
All courses are taught by a team of highly qualified, highly skilled full-time faculty members chosen following a rigorous and rational process of selection and training; directing students during their academic time.
Board exam preparatory sessions:
A carefully crafted curriculum that ensures that students have a great understanding of the basics, helping them with the competitive exams along with their boards.
Continuous assessments:
It involves Regular Practice Problems (DPPs) and Periodic Assessments, designed specifically to determine the self-understanding of a concept by the student.
Optimally sized batches:
We don't believe in having students crowded into oversized lots. Our primary focus is on providing our students with personalized attention, promoting proper engagement between students and faculty to ensure a conducive yet competitive learning environment.
Detailed theory class sessions:
None of your academic questions are going to remain unanswered here. Periodic query classes provide students with 1 on 1 contact to strengthen their vulnerable areas.
In chapter exercise solutions and detailed explanation with examples:
To ensure that students internalize the main concepts, descriptive and illustrated explanations are given.
Exclusive worksheets:
Consolidates all of the chapter's significant concepts by selective questions graded according to JEE's level of complexity, implementation, and pattern.
Conceptual Clearness
Periodic checking of the conceptual comprehension ensures that even the most complicated topics in IIT JEE are understood.
Calibration & Content correctly
With the current pattern of queries, our content is updated daily. Realistic calibration gives you a comparable test-taking experience to the actual IIT JEE.
Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and threats analysis:
For any test, you take, evaluate your strengths and weaknesses by producing customized Evaluation Reports. Get a detailed overview of each question you answer, including details on the level of difficulty, subject, sub-topic, and more.
Comprehensive Analytics
The detailed review reveals the fragmentation of chapter, definition & course wise of the marks completed. Check detailed descriptions of responses so that you can understand more intelligently
Physics, Chemistry, and Maths seminars, well written and strategically rich, organized by expert faculty with more than 10 years of teaching experience in test preparation.
All India test series:
Our Mock Assessments allow you to identify with your peers your strengths and weaknesses, overall rating, and comparative analysis.
Complete Duration Assessments practice:
Level of Difficulty Analysis, Test Strategy and Difficulty Wise Analysis of Attempts Includes our full Test Analytics
Wise Sectional & Chapter Assessments:
Work with the aid of our section-wise and chapter-wise tests on your poor areas that give you focused practice with the help of tricky questions.
Notification & Warnings:
Keep up-to-date with appropriate test updates on notices of multiple entry tests, ranking wise information of multiple medical colleges, and applications' latest dates.
Classes Live:
Interactive sessions, conceptual clarity, live faculty debate, and comprehensive question clearing sessions, all in the comfort of your home! Anytime, Research Anywhere!
Clear Exam’s move towards achieving the motive Education for all:
CTSE - Clear Exam Talent hunt test
CTSE - The Clear Exam Talent Support Exam is administered annually by Clear Exam for students studying Class VIII, IX, X, XI, XII. We think no talent should be wasted simply because of financial constraints. By supplying them with a scholarship and taking the first step in an attempt to become engineers and doctors, this exam aims to help students achieve their objectives. Steps to enroll in the program are enrolling via form, fee payment, and registration process which includes form filling.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
Q. The JEE Key Mock Test is available in which mode?
A. In the online mode, JEE's key mock test is open.
Q. What is JEE Main's official mock test website?
A. JEE The official website for the key mock test is https:/www.ntatpcsr.in/login/.
Q. For JEE Main mock test login, what details are required?
A. Email ID/mobile number and password are the information needed for the mock test login.
Q. If an aspirant lost his password, what will he do?
A. This candidate will visit the official JEE Main mock test website and press the "forgot password" button to retrieve the password.
Q. What to do if the JEE Key mock test account is not available for an aspirant?
A. You can visit the official website of the IIT JEE Mains Mock Test and click on the "Sign Up" tab.
Q. What details are required to register for the IIT JEE Mains Mock Test?
A. Name, email ID, mobile number and password are the details needed for IIT JEE Mains Mock Test Signup.
Q. What details are needed for the JEE Main mock test to sign up?
A. Name, email id, mobile number and password are the details needed for JEE Main Mock Test Sign Up.
Q. What are the advantages of conducting the JEE key mock test?
A. The advantages are - it gives the definition of the type of questions posed, it helps to be familiar with the UI of the app, aspirants can verify their level of expertise, etc.
Q. What is the Abhyas National Test?
A. It is a regular evaluation integrating applicable academic content with a personalized adaptive learning framework powered by artificial intelligence to help aspirants score to their ability.
Q. What is the official website for the Abhyas National Test?
A. National Test Abhyas' official website is https:/www.nta.ac.in/abhyas.
Q. What projects have National Test Abhyas been launched for?
A. The Abhyas National Engineering and Medical Test has been launched.
Choose Your Program
- Full Length Test: 15
- 45 Sectional Test: 45
- Video Class: No
- Current Affair Timeline: No
- Full Length Test: 15
- 45 Sectional Test: 45
- Video Class: Yes
- Current Affair Timeline: Yes
- Full Length Test: 25
- 45 Sectional Test: 75
- Video Class: Yes
- Current Affair Timeline: Yes
Why choose Clear Exam Test Series for JEE Main 2024?
Simulator is Success Mantra’s Test Zone, developed by experienced faculty after lots of research. Questions are of three types, Easy , Medium & Difficult. The Full length test are based on simulation technique enabling students with better practicing and assessment conditions, finally making them through with required concept.Practicing
Different level of Practicing Questions Easy medium & difficultAnalysis
In-depthAnalysis & Report Card
Questions based onSimulation Technique
Self ExplanatoryVideo Lectures
Sectional & Full length testfor better support
Current Affairs
Monthly Currentaffairs timeline

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